Osleriana – A Medical Humanities Journal-Magazine

Osleriana is the official publication of the William Osler Society of Australia and New Zealand (WOSANZ est. 2019). Produced annually, the publication includes both full-length journal-style articles covering a broad range of historical medical subjects, and much shorter magazine-like entries summarising activities of topical interest to the Society. Contributions to each volume are generally chosen by the editors, although we are open to considering submissions from elected Members and Friends. Successive volumes of Osleriana will be freely available for viewing online, and a limited number of hardcopy printouts of each volume will also be produced. Please contact the Society directly regarding any prospective submissions or contributions.

Permission to re-use any material in this publication must be sought from the editors (or alternatively the appropriate copyright holders).

Pre-Print Articles

Completed articles awaiting printing in a future issue of Osleriana are listed below. The editors have chosen to prioritise articles written by external contributors to the journal. Each entry includes the title, author(s), and prospective volume for formal publication. Page numbers will be finalised at the time of printing.

Volume 5 – December 2023
Pasteur’s Nephew, Adrien Loir (1862-1941): Doctor, Veterinarian, Globe-Trotter (M. Schwartz, A. Perrot)

Printed Volumes

Previously printed volumes of Osleriana are displayed below. Individual articles and editorials may be accessed by way of the listed titles. A digital edition of the entire volume may be viewed by clicking on the cover image.


Volume 2 – December 2020

'Noble Animals': Celebrating the Centenary of Sir William Osler
Sir William Osler (1849-1919): The Ideal Physician
(N. Toodayan)

The Afterlife of Sir William Osler (1920-2020)
The Merciful Sea, or, Healing Powers of the Ocean
(Z. Toodayan)

The Complete Works of Sir Thomas Browne, 9 volumes
(Prof. C. Preston)

Osleriana Volume 1 (Prof. E. L. Matteson)
Sir William Osler: An Encylopaedia (N. Toodayan)
Florence Nightingale (1820-1910): Matron of Modern Nursing
(E. Carson)

'A Hands-on Healer': Oxford Remembers Sir William Osler

© The William Osler Society of Australia & New Zealand
No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior written permission of WOSANZ or the individual author(s). Permission to reproduce any copyrighted images used in this publication must be obtained from the appropriate rightsholder(s). Please contact WOSANZ for further information if required.

Volume 1 – July 2019

‘Embryon Philosophers’: Introducing The William Osler Society of Australia & New Zealand
Medicine’s Lunar Legacies (Z. Toodayan)
Apollo 11 – 50 Years
René Théophile Hyacinthe Laennec: Advancing Auscultation (E. Carson)
The Centenary of William Osler’s Final Address: ‘The Old Humanities and the New Science’
‘The Iniquity of Oblivion’: Dr Walter Reginald Bett (1903-1968) (N. Toodayan)
A New Centenary Portrait of Sir William Osler
A Spot on the Moon
Long Lives Leonardo (Z. Toodayan)
‘Gaspare Aselli (c.1581-1625)’ (W. R. Bett, with notes by N. Toodayan)

© The William Osler Society of Australia & New Zealand
No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior written permission of WOSANZ or the individual author(s). Permission to reproduce any copyrighted images used in this publication must be obtained from the appropriate rightsholder(s). Please contact WOSANZ for further information if required.